Kirkjuvar Orkney Gin
An 'unmistakably Orcadian' gin made with locally grown botanicals including Ramanas Rose, Burnet Rose, Angelica and Borage. The inclusion of Angelica was inspired by a story that suggested Angelica was brought to the Orkney islands by Norsemen, and can still be found growing there. Further connection to Orkney's heritage comes from the name, Kirkjuvagr, which means 'Church Bay' in Old Norse.
Nose: Peppery juniper and salty sea air (salt and pepper is a classic combo, after all...), floral dandelion.
Palate: Candied peels, coriander. A bit perfume-y in spots.
Finish: Drying spice, vanilla-y angelica and a resurgence of sea spray salinity.